
Our Laboratory resources include:

  • Fully automated system (Dako Autostainer Plus)
  • Reproducable results
  • Processing time is only 2 hours
  • A variety of monoclonal/polyclonal antibodies in the diagnosis of skin diseases including lymphocyte markers
  • List of Antibodies currently available. We can work with any antibody if not listed. (Ref.)

Langerhans cells stained by CD1A
Mart-1 staining in melanoma
NGF-R staining in desmoplastic melanoma
Low molecular weight cytokeratin staining of extra mammary Pagets disease
High molecular weight cytokeratin staining of epidermis and amyloid material
HHV-8 staining in Kaposi’s sarcoma
Absence of MSH-2 staining in sebaceous adenoma in Muir Torre syndrome. Adjacent normal skin shows positive staining.